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Saturday, May 14, 2011

pregnant belly button

pregnant belly button. PREGNANT Belly Button Ring
  • PREGNANT Belly Button Ring

  • ciTiger
    Apr 12, 07:58 PM
    It is always good to have another option even if a dangerous one...

    pregnant belly button. 2010 denali suv, Pregnant
  • 2010 denali suv, Pregnant

  • andrew5826
    Apr 29, 01:21 AM
    When you installed 06.15, you read the warning saying that you will never be able to install stock FW again until a higher BB than 06.15 comes out, right?

    The closest you can come is to create a custom FW that does not include Cydia.

    nvm i just read that. does anybody have one i can download? thanks

    pregnant belly button. Laughing pregnant belly button
  • Laughing pregnant belly button

  • pribl
    Apr 24, 09:56 AM
    how can make in finder operations so useful in windows explorer: copy, cut & paste

    pregnant belly button. How do I cover my elly button
  • How do I cover my elly button

  • ken1964
    Mar 10, 07:18 PM
    Hopefully it doesn't rain.

    Cool, I'll update soon. Probably leaving in 20 minutes for Walmart to buy some supplies then off to the Apple store.

    Yea, it is really Windy in Brigham City now and the Weather report says 70% Precipitation and a chance of Snow tonight with freezing temps.

    This is going to play into the "Tonight or Tomorrow" showing up. It's so difficult to decide, Need to bring a Portable heater if I do. :confused:

    pregnant belly button. elly button rings pregnancy
  • elly button rings pregnancy

  • *LTD*
    Mar 14, 09:35 PM
    This is on page 2 because it isn't really news. It was just a foregone conclusion. But why MS prolonged the pain and embarrassment is beyond me.

    I wonder in how many new and wonderful ways they'll piss away R&D money in the near future.

    pregnant belly button. Belly Button
  • Belly Button

  • OneDreamCloser
    Apr 8, 08:56 AM
    hello all,

    i am running Mac OS X 10.6.7 (Snow Leopard), and when i type
    "perl -V" at the Terminal.app,
    it says that "usethreads=undef".

    i did install "threads" from CPAN, but in vain.
    do you have any ideas, how can i fix this ?

    thank you

    pregnant belly button. Belly Button!
  • Belly Button!

  • samh
    Apr 13, 07:19 AM
    Hi all!
    I bought the MiniDisplay to VGA adapter. Then I connected my Macbook Alluminium to a TV, a monitor, a brand new monitor. Everything LCD. I have everytime the same problem: the image has shadows (you can even see the trace of the mouse pointer). If i watch a movie, then it seems that the image i refreshed half of the times that should. If I move a quicktime window with a movie inside, then you can see the "old" image still for like 1/4 of second, and so a lot of "doubled images" with a very short life that follows the quicktime window while moving. The feeling is exactly the same as using a 15 years old TFT monitor (do you remember? ;) ). I tried playing with refresh rate and SwitchResX, and tried two different cables/adapters, but nothing worked..

    Any help is welcome. :)

    p.s. Leopard 10.5.8, nvidia 9400m, macbook unibody alluminium 2009


    Same VGA cable each time? How long? Old? New? Does the VGA cable itself work wih other devices as expected?

    Could also be bad mini-DP to VGA converter.

    pregnant belly button. PREGNANT Belly Button Ring
  • PREGNANT Belly Button Ring

  • twoodcc
    Mar 6, 12:47 PM
    ooh octocore. sounds fancy when u call it that :D

    heres a link to stanford's results (may be technical)


    haha, yeah it does. and i bet it can fold like crazy too.

    thanks for the link :)

    pregnant belly button. 3D Pregnant Belly cake
  • 3D Pregnant Belly cake

  • silentnite
    Apr 20, 04:13 PM
    Good news but now apple becomes an even bigger target. I hope the apple security team is on guard all around.

    pregnant belly button. Flexible panda elly
  • Flexible panda elly

  • 5805
    Jul 16, 04:20 PM
    or its on myspace... but i don't like myspace.

    I know the music isn't the best, its just recorded in the only available room in our house. I'm 14... feel free to give me feedback!

    pregnant belly button. Belly Button Ring.
  • Belly Button Ring.

  • iMattcotv
    Apr 18, 01:51 PM
    I have to disagree with this comment, its not the Iphone man is USA's Networks. over here in england i have had no dropped calls (not a single one) beit the Iphone 3GS, 3G or 4 not a single dropped call and i am sure the majority of Iphone users here would state this.

    I can confirm this.

    I have many friends with iPhone 4's, all on different carriers here in canada and none of us have experienced a dropped call, only I have which was because the proximity had me end the call, but that was fixed since 4.2.1.

    pregnant belly button. Flexible saturn elly button
  • Flexible saturn elly button

  • quigleybc
    Sep 15, 06:40 PM
    The new Little Brother album is worth checking out...

    MF Doom is a genius...

    A Long Hot Summer was one of the best albums from last year no doubt...

    Midnight Marauders is my third favourite album of all time (after Illmatic and The Infamous)


    the greatest

    pregnant belly button. in pregnancy Belly+utton+
  • in pregnancy Belly+utton+

  • msduncan
    Mar 11, 11:03 AM
    I'll be there eventually. I'll let you know what the line is like if I beat you there. I planning on 3:30 or so.

    Let me know if you get there earlier.

    Just got a report from someone I know that drove past there -- 4 people in line at the moment. Or at least that was 15 mins ago.

    Going to grab a bite to eat and leave here shortly.

    pregnant belly button. Pregnant Belly Button Ring
  • Pregnant Belly Button Ring

  • seong
    Apr 12, 07:47 AM
    My father works here, so I have no idea.

    pregnant belly button. Pop! goes the elly button.
  • Pop! goes the elly button.

  • iPost
    Aug 7, 07:04 PM
    Wow... Microsoft really is a shell of its former self. And not that its former self was all that great. But Microsoft used to be an amazing software factory in terms of productivity (quality was a different story). They used to brag about their ability to "turn the crank" and produce software products well before rivals could. Many were envious of this ability.

    Now, they can't seem to get anything done. Everything is canceled, delayed, reworked. The company seems to be completely incompetent.

    I have been a Mac fan since the original 128K Mac. But I'm also a realist and live in the Windows world as well. And years ago, before OS X came into its own, it really looked like the world had passed the Mac by. But not anymore! Now, Apple is the one firing on all cylinders and getting great products out the door.

    I've used the early betas of Vista and let me tell you, it is bad... REALLY, REALLY BAD. And this is coming from someone who doesn't mind using WinXP when he has to.

    The new reality is that the Apple OS X platform has moved into the forefront of this industry. OS X just works. Period. It's a joy to use. And things are still getting better! At Microsoft, things are getting worse... a lot worse.

    I believe that it's finally time for the world to start a transition off of the Windows platform and onto OS X. I'm not sure if this means that Apple has to supply all of the hardware (although I'm sure they want to!). But the stuff coming out of Microsoft now is utter crap (I mean, it was crap before, but it was at least usable if you figured out all the quirks). Now, everything they produce is a disaster. The company cannot code its way out of a paper bag.

    pregnant belly button. pregnant students drop out
  • pregnant students drop out

  • Mr.Hey
    Dec 14, 09:21 PM
    Virus, pop-in another sucker. See what else you can do.

    pregnant belly button. can wear elly button ring
  • can wear elly button ring

  • hmbldtgrl
    Aug 23, 04:30 PM
    thank you everyone. so helpful. I love mac people! * hugz all around*

    pregnant belly button. Belly Button
  • Belly Button

  • uaaerospace
    Sep 18, 08:51 AM
    I like it. One thing that you might consider changing is set the default for both applications to more info. It took me a second (could just that be I'm slow) to figure out what was going on. Nice clean look though. Reminds me of Apple design. ;)

    pregnant belly button. a elly button ring,
  • a elly button ring,

  • arn
    Sep 20, 07:49 PM
    MacRumors was down for about 2 hours today due to some database problems.

    Everything should be back to normal. Please let me know if you notice any discrepancies.


    Aug 20, 04:31 AM
    PSD $350.00

    whaT? photo shop design 350 bucks?

    Mar 14, 09:48 PM
    As I posted in a more obscure thread,

    Never forget that the zune brought us this:


    I still find it a little disturbing but I think it's also possibly the single funniest thing I've ever seen involving Microsoft.

    I have never actually used a zune. They looked ok really, except the brown one (IMHO).

    I was about to say - here's my original post:


    plus the Ballmer quote:

    "I want to squirt you a picture of my kids. You want to squirt me back a video of your vacation...

    That's [an] experience," he said.

    OMG - what did she get "squirted"? :eek:


    Ah, threads about Zune - good times... :D

    Apr 19, 02:30 PM
    Does anyone here have a high end camcorder with a built in 5.1 mic? If so does it really sound good? Being a new technology on camcorders under $1,200 Im curious if you really get a nice 5.1 sound. Obviously I'm not making Star Wars, nor awesome battle scenes with sound flying everywhere, but I like the idea if it really caught a jet going by or whatever sound would cross me. Love the idea cause I was with laser discs when AC-3 5.1 came out during my laser disc days and can't wait to see how it actually works once done editing without much sound tweaking as a test.

    I dont really trust those who work on commission at Frys and Best Buy does not know my sound questions, just simple picture questions nor do they know how FCP works and other Mac questions. Why I come here to ask for honest answers.

    Dec 25, 02:15 AM
    is there any way to do this?
    i kept searching the web all they say is it can be done but tethered(which is good for me anyways) using redsnow.
    But once i use redsnow and choose the downloaded Firmware, it asks if its MC model, of course i say yes. But an error message flashes saying it doesnt support. Help plehttp://images.macrumors.com/vb/images/smilies/wink.gifase? :(

    Apr 7, 10:53 AM

    I'm just as confused by you by this post :confused: